Taking proper care of the skin enhances the overall appearance of an individual. It is possible to have smooth, healthy skin by simply following some skin care tips. It is important to adopt a good skin care regimen which includes regular cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Improper care of the skin can lead to dryness, dullness and other skin problems. Here are some black skin care tips that will enable African American women to improve the health and appearance of their skin.
Don’t Smoke
Smoking can make your skin look older and can cause wrinkles. Your skin loses oxygen, the blood vessels in the skin narrow, and your skin can’t get all of the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Smoking damages your skin’s collagen, which means it ultimately has less elasticity and strength. It makes your skin less soft and supple – more papery and prone to wrinkles. Even the action of smoking can lead to wrinkles – while you’re pursing your lips or squinting to keep the smoke from getting in you’re eyes, smoking is aging your skin prematurely. Your skin may not be the most essential reason to quit smoking, but if you need another reason, throw this one on the table.
Be Gentle On Your Skin
Be careful with the things you do to your skin, even when it comes to washing and shaving. Try to limit your time in hot showers or baths, which can remove important oils and moisture from your skin. Try to use mild cleansers with moisturizers instead of strong, abrasive soaps. Make sure that when you shave, you apply lotion or shaving cream to protect your skin from the harshness of the razor. When drying your skin, pat yourself dry instead of rubbing – this will keep some of the moisture on your skin without drying it out too much later. Finally, moisturize your skin whenever possible, especially after washing it and whenever it feels dry or cracks. Your moisturizer should match your skin type and make your skin look healthy and feel soft.
Eat a Healthy Diet
Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean meats can help your skin to stay healthier. Although diet isn’t always clearly linked to skin problems like acne, a good diet can certainly promote younger-looking skin.
Stress can trigger breakouts of acne and cause strain for your skin. Making reasonable to-do lists, making time for things you enjoy, and otherwise trying to keep yourself in a healthy state of mind can really benefit yours skin.
Read more on Tips for Healthy Glowing Skin and Home Remedies for Acne and also visit on Home Remedies for Wrinkles
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