The best time people enjoy living is when they are young. This is because at this time of your age, you are at the peak of health, strength, and above all beauty. At this point you have your life ahead of you. More to that you have so many things to think about like going to school, having a relationship, focusing on your career, and the last thing one can think of is about aging. People should bear in mind that they are not unique, and everybody is thinking the same, we were oblivious to old age. Also most people thought that it was a type of disease that only the unfortunate get, unfortunately it was all too real. It develops on us not very slowly but at a very fast rate as the seasons changes.
One thing is for sure, that we are always been careful about how we take care of our skin. At times it is also good to sit down and thing of the foolish things we did in order to look attractive, have you ever sit under the sun trying to get a dark tan, after this you stand in front of the mirror and discover that you look so beautiful, but forgetting to understand that tan only last for a few days, and then feds away. On the other hand looking good just for a few days may be the reason you are having wrinkles and dark spots today.
One thing you should remember very well is that exposure to direct rays from the sun destroys the integrity of your skin more than anything else. Some people believe that when they wear sun protection it is going to protect them from the sun rays but they forget to know that, even with this protection it is still very hazardous to their skin. It does not mean whether we wear sun screen, sun cream or even sun block. That not withstanding this objects to an extend protect your skin from some of the UV rays, but they really only give us a false sense of security. For example putting on sun blocks is just the same as wearing sunglasses during a nuclear explosion. Although the sheer magnitude of the light might not affect you, but you are still exposed to other hideous after affects.
Is it possible to get a safe tan? : As an advice to you, don’t be fooled to believing that there exist something like as a safe tan, because there really isn’t. What happens is that when your skin turns dark, it is actually a defense mechanism against any further exposure; this is similar to a callous. A callous serves as amour to protect our skin from further aggravation. Seeing a callous should make us think it looks great, and that should make rub our bodies for some more calloused. More to that the suntan, even though it may look appealing, is actually a warning signal to stop further exposure!
Therefore we can deduce that the best way to safeguard ourselves is to begin a preventive skin care regime. In order to have the best results from this scheme we should start the process when we are young. This is because with just a few simple changes in your skin care regime such as becoming sun wise and not too much cleansing of the skin, but premature aging can be cut down. In this case the advised is that you should stop purposefully exposing yourself to the sun. People should note that those products that promise you of getting rid of years of sun damage are promising to take you to the sun. When the damage is done it is impossible to reverse it. When the damage is done it is impossible to reverse it. You should not that when the damage is done, it may be mitigated by using a natural anti-wrinkle cream that supplies the skin with nutrients.“>Mit Naturkosmetik zu Falten Erase“> Kosmetik gegen Falten“> Anti aging kosmetik
Along the history of humankind several philosophers and not philosophers have debated around this topic: not that they really came up to an agreement but still they pointed out a very good question.
One thing is for sure: nowadays beauty is very much made up. We are never satisfied of natural beauty and we tend to “improve” it all the times. We even redefine pictures of trees, flowers and fruit: they must look just perfect to draw our attention and to be sold. Of course they need to look perfect according to our idea of perfection. Which is absence of wrinkles and glossy lips. We might not agree with this idea of beauty and perfection but that is the why it is in many places around us right now.
If we really want to stay inside that box why not doing it by staying halfway in halfway out, perhaps having fun out of this experiment? Why not using natural make up? It does sound like a contradiction. How can it be naturali if it tricks the eyes? Still, whatever your opinion on the matter is you should know that sometimes beauty grows on trees even though money does not. Eco sustainable cosmetics are made out of natural elements such as plants, flowers and fruits. That sounds like a new way of being fashionable, a natural one but for real. Indeed, you should know that for years goods have been advertised as containing natural elements while only having a glimpse of them. Nowadays rules about informational tags don’t allow this to happen anymore. Checking the nutritional tag of food products is still a good idea. Do just the same for cosmetic products and you will start seeing with wider eyes how easy seems to be to cheat on clueless buyers. Just take my clue but don’t take my word for it and check with your own eyes. Wide open and coloured with a green eco eye shadow! Sometimes experimenting with nature can be fun and if you add nature to cosmetics you can create or buy very original products! Why not try? Nowadays eco-friendly products are fashionable and not much more expensive than others. So I advise you to try before saying it is not your thing. You might find out that avocado lotions really suit your skin and smell nicely besides polluting less than other kinds of lotions you can easily find located on the supermarket shelters. The hard thing at the beginning might be to find out where you can get more information or directly buy these products, but once you found out just buy some and try. Why not take the chance beyond the traditional chemistry? Or, better said, why not go towards a new tradition that respects the environment?
This article was written by Sara Barausse, with support from cosmesi naturale.
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Today, modern industrialized society release toxins such as chlorine, chemicals (such as pesticides and herbicides) and heavy metals (such as lead, cadmium, aluminum, mercury, and manganese) into the environment. Toxins and chemicals have become a fact of life; they can be found in food and water people eat and drink daily, as well as cosmetics. Realizing the environmental and health implications of chemicals and toxins, people have started adopting a healthier lifestyle free of chemicals and toxins. And the only way to make a toxin and chemical free lifestyle is to go organic.
Why People Prefer Organic Cosmetics?
The word organic has almost become a synonym for healthy–it has become the new buzzword. People are turning to everything that is organic. And more than any other industry, it is the cosmetics industry, which has seen exponential growth in the manufacture and use of organic products. The latest trends and figures in the cosmetic sector indicate an organic revolution and there is no doubt that organic beauty products are the future of the cosmetics industry. The two main reasons for the customers’ preference for organic cosmetic products are:
Chemical Ingredients in Cosmetics
Several studies have shown that the cosmetics industry uses more than 5000 different ingredients in the manufacture of skin care and hair care products. Moreover, the basic ingredients in most of the cosmetic products are derived from petroleum. For instance, the fragrances used in lotions, shampoos, and other cosmetic products are actually aromatic hydrocarbons that are petroleum based. The chemicals are found to cause serious health problems in the long run.
Cosmetics Cause Allergic Reactions
Certain products are found to cause allergic reactions in some people. They develop rashes, inflammation, itchiness, abscess and swelling, on using certain skin care products. Such people prefer organic products to ordinary commercial cosmetic products as it is safe and harmless.
On realizing the preference for organic products by the consumers, more and more cosmetic manufacturers are manufacturing organic cosmetic products. This has forced cosmetic packaging manufacturers to come up with different packaging solutions for organic cosmetics. Unlike non-organic cosmetic products, a lot of factors need to be taken care when packaging organic cosmetic products. Hence, paper, glass, PP, PEHD, PET, is widely used by wholesale cosmetic packaging manufacturers to pack organic products.
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